Re: MMS, Malaria Cures, 75,000 may be true etc....
So now some of you accept that the 75000 may not have been conjured from the air. Well, I am not too surprised looking at what we have observed. Well, myself and my team have no qualifications to know good medication from wrong ones. We just have a passion to help. And we see a good thing when we have observed it. We just know to read and write and having come across this felt people in our part of the world needed it. I think we are doing them more good than harm albeit the grey knowledge of long term problems. I say this because some of them may have died from the ailment they were healed of but today they are alive. Plus I dont think one time treatment every now or then or low doses for that matter could have any serious effects. Plus who told you that long term use of chloroquine, nevaquine, etc... has no effect. I have a weak liver from ingesting these so what do you say? they should be shelved? Have you never heard of poisons that were cleared by the scientific cloud?? I mean poison upon poison that they knew but still sold. Have you heard of the supply of HIV blood to others in other parts of the world? And these had been certified safe. Have you heard of........
And talking about JIm Humble not inventing this, well he never said that he did. He had the solution bought from someone else for water purification and just increased the dosage and found some usefulness or healing traits there. He never said that so you are not the one to trust. You are peddling lies to discredit someone. And why didnt those who knew about this bring it to the rest of us mortals for virtually FREE. They thought there was too much money to lose.
He may have been carried away and talked about CURES instead of running his tests properly. But who has been supportive of these tests financially. So tell me do you sincerely believe
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement has nothing good to offer? If it has something good in it at all no matter how minute, what are you doing about it to benefit people. Apart from just discouraging have you looked at the good side in anyway?
Maybe realising how corrupt the world is, and how people at the top are able to use policies to avoid tax enrich themselves and not help mankind in anyway, maybe the 10 charities or so is a means to a good end. If it is true I dont in anyway condone but who is to be believed someone peddling lies about the other or one who is jealous of a discoverer? Is this the first time you have heard about CURES even in the scientific world that didnt turn out to be a CURE per se? I think you are just jealous that someone else discovered (not invented please bear that in mind - or is the African understanding of your elite English wrong?).
Thats how many human beings are including myself. Greed, greedy after our own good only. And how many companies or charities do you have? Help the world to see some light for virtually free. And trust me people would thank you for it. And you would not be the one doing the hyping.