Hi Julie 87!
Here are some more tips for working with a pendulum:
The Pendulum works as an amplifier. Actually, you KNOW what's in the product, but you are not consciously aware of this. The pendulum allows you to see with your eyes what you already know.
You may ask all kinds of questions, but make sure that :
- the question can be answered clearly by YES or NO;
- the question relates to the present or the past, not to the future.
- diagnosing is possible but you have to work by elimination and step by step. It only works if YOU know the answer. For example did
Iodine do this to me. Answer YES or NO. Do I have X disease. (sorry no question marks on this computer arghhhh) You cannot answer this because you do not personally know what is X disease.
For detection purposes you can use anything as a pendulum, that is balanced in weight. For example, I am a girl and if in need I can use an earring that would swing equally on all sides. A medal hanging from your neck is fine too if you are outside and have an emergency (gone to the supermarket and forgot your pendulum - this can be a bit more tricky if there is a draught because it would push on the surface of the medal, but when you become a seasoned pendulum swinger, it is no problem anymore). You should start practicing at home with a small object, metallic if possible, hanging from a string/ thread, not more than 20
cm in length.
Now I should emphasize that even a
Sugar cube hanging from 50
cm will work eventually, but not always for the beginner!
The pendulum is moved by some electrical influx in your arm and hand. It takes time for this influx to start flowing, and for this to happen it must be unimpeded. This means that at the beginning of each testing session the influx does not immediately reach your hand (delay) and you may be discouraged and feel that it does not work. Just persevere.
It also means that some people may find it difficult to get answers because they have blockages along the arm, blockages that will get pushed out and will disappear with practice. Just persevere.
There are some occasions when your pendulum will give you wrong answers, when you are too sick, when you are exhausted by climbing the stairs etc, after ingesting alcohol or some medicines, immediately after sunbathing etc you do not have enough strength to create the flow.
This also means that in the beginning you may find pendulum testing tiring. Do not exert yourself. Just try it again a few hours later. You should practice several times a day. Eventually you will find this a formidable weapon in your fight for health.
If you do not live alone, it would be a good idea to teach your partner to test things too. You can both test the product independently and this will help form certitudes. Ladies should not attempt pendulum testing during the first few days of their period, as it may give wrong answers.
You should test with your right hand if right-handed, left hand if left-handed, and if you were left-handed as a child and have been convinced to write with your right hand.
You can test in any position as long as your arms and legs are not crossed. For a start, just sit down at a table, rest your elbow on the table and hold the string between thumb and forefinger. You should start by ascertaining which is the movement of the pendulum for yes and no. This is different for each individual. Many times YES is counterclockwise for ladies, and clockwise for men. NO is often counterclockwise for men and clockwise for ladies. But it can be the contrary. Some people do not see their pendulum going in circles, but swinging one way or the other. You should find out this at the start. It will remain consistent in the future.
You just set the pendulum in motion by swinging it slightly forwards and backwards. Let it swing free and ask : Please say YES. Watch what it does. Then ask : Please say NO. And watch what it does.
This might come to you immediately, or may take tome time. Once you get consistent answers, just tell me and I shall write Lesson 2 !
I insist on the pendulum testing because THEY are winning the
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) war because people cannot make the difference between MSG-free food and the rest. So they think something is making them sick,but not MSG, since they consume what they believe is MSG-free food and they are sick.
Lots of good wishes and Blessings!