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Re: msg
parrotgreen Views: 5,089
Published: 17 y
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Re: msg

Hi Julieuma,
I hope you find the right way to health. I only gave the Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) suggestion because I felt it might help you.
I am sorry that it made you feel so defensive.
Lots and lots of good wishes for a complete and fast recovery!

But I stick to my guns,

- L-glutamine , I have tried this as an antidote to MSG, as recommended by Ted or the Earth Clinic (
and it gave me exactly the same symptoms as Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) ingestion, despite the fact that it is not MSG. And it seems I am not the only one (

- Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) seems to be cumulative. You take it for a while with no apparent problems and one day you are over the top and you cannot stand it anymore. This is consistent with your eating in restaurants for a while and not being affected at that time.

- you mention in another post marinating your food in commercially bought sauces. If you choose to believe what is written on labels this is your choice. I do not.

- "You would prefer not to argue about this in the future "
I was only hoping to help and can of course respect your ideas about your own body! Since you insist I shall refrain from answering your posts from now on with my MSG advice. THIS IS MY LAST POST TO YOU.

- "I realize you mean well and that you are trying to get healthy the same as everyone else on CZ, but sometimes I really do think you carry this issue too far."
Indeed I mean well AND I have successfully gone back to perfect health, as well as my husband, thanks to complete MSG avoidance and Iodine supplementation. Please do not deny me the right to express my opinion, which I have done in a generous spirit and polite way. I shall not bother you anymore, but allow me to go on with my MSG advice for what I believe to be the good of others!!

Again, lots and lots of good wishes!



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