Re: there is no cure
>I'm guessing your diet is complete shit
No, my diet is not shit. I follow the candida diet very strictly for years, it makes most candida symptoms disapear, still - i have candida.
>Using antifungals is the way to continue to have Candida forever.
Too bad not using them isn't the way to get rid of it.
>Candida is not the enemy. Everyone in the world has Candida, the problem is you're overfeeding yours.
Like i said, only in the colon, other than that it is the enemy. I'm not overfeeding it, but you seem to know better what do i do. Perhaps you have never actually had a systemic candida, unfortunealty i do.
You talk very vaguely, that there is some mysterious reason, the balance must be restored, something affected my karma... well i wish i could find that reason but i know only one, candida had an oportuinty to grow through my body once, when my immune system was weak.
Anyway these aren't facts. The fact is that its very difficulit to cure it, using the modern medicine or the natural therapy. Most people have it for years, most never get cured. Personally i believe the facts rather then the myths.