Re: Host of health problems and want to know if mms will work ?
Hi Kelly
I was given the steroids for ulcerative colitis 4 years ago
The operation I had was mainly to correct a deviated septum and was a long time before this, I didnt have UC then. I don't think the op affected my sinuses
I had a lot of trouble due to constant rhinitis and sinus problems as a result
of the blocked nose especially with colds
The surgery didn't help and I regretted agreeing to it.
It did improve with diet changes though and I don't usually get sinus problems now but still have rhinitis a bit.
I think it took quite a while to get used to it as the surgery involved much more than I realised before as I was not informed correctly and my nose took a long time to feel normal again
I mainly got infections and sorenes in the nose itself but it was a long time ago and I don't remember exactly.
Besides improving the colitis
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement seems to have prevented any colds this year and I usually have a bad cold in spring with a lot of congestion often