Hi everyone, in fall of last year, i started feeling a shortness of breath in my left lung only. Now, there is no pain, but it slowly grew to the point that it put me in the hospital in january. I thought there was a problem with my heart because i kept getting these pulsations like a vacuum was sucking in my haert beats. I was in the hospital for 3 days, and they sent me home. They did a stress test which was good, and they gave me a liquid steroid for my lung problem. They think it may be pleurisy, which is inflammation in the lungs. Now, to this day , i still have this problem. WHen i breathe, it feels like my right lung expands fully, but then my left lung catches half way and stops. There is a slight pressure, and sometimes its scary. Im also scared it may be sarcoidosis, because of other symptoms i receive.
Now in march, i took a prescriiption pill i was allergic to, and it broke me out in hives all over, when the hives heeled, i had dark circle rashes everywhere, and i still have them to this day. Actually if i take prednisone, or any other drug, it gives me a new rash. I have so many on my body its embarrasing.
I have other problems such as the fact that im very backed up and constipated. I have been like this for years, but never paid attention to my health. I have eaten friench fries probably every day of my life, and fast food all day for years . NO water really , and lots of beer on the weekends mostly. I got a
colonic the other day and really nothing came out but hard chunks. I dont want to catch cancer. For the last 3 weeks i have been on pretty much fruits and veggies, and water and orange juice. I have not had soda in like a month.
My other problems are, i had a small lump or bump under my left arm, which was very tender and the bump hurted, but then it disappeared after a few days and switched over to my right arm pit, which has been tehre a bout a week. That one is not tender anymore, but still there. FOr about a week or so, i could not swallow my saliva, i couldnt sleep and was up every night because i would sometimes choak in my sleep. I had to swallow alot but that has gone away somewhat. My tonsils look inflammed.
I had a swollen lymph node i guess, it was swollen back by my jaw, but that has gone away. Another problem is that in my left arm, there is a huge vein that has small lumps in it.
I can tell you i dont want to see a doctor, nor be on any medication every again n my life. I think i took to much prednisone and penecillin because i got 4 root canals, and a wisdom tooth pulled and the dentist had me on this stuff also.
My main concern right now is that i need to get uncostipated because i think thats the problem with all omy other problems maybe. I only can use the bathroom like once a week if that.
Would yo u suggest a
parasite cleanse also? or the mms