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Re: Day 25 of Humaworm - Is it killing them or what?
legend520 Views: 9,668
Published: 17 y
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Re: Day 25 of Humaworm - Is it killing them or what?

Thanks to you both...It is comforting to know that what I am experiencing is normal. Should my normal sleep patterns return once I am finished with the Humaworm? It's awful going through die-off and sleep deprivation at the same time. I might try the epsom you find the laxative action to be what helps or is it the calming action of the magnesium? I take Homozon oxygen colon cleanser every day so that cleans me out pretty well. Also, I love Kombucha, but it doesn't love me. Last time I had some it gave me severe stomach upset (doubled over in gassy pain) and then diarrhea for days and that is when my digestive system really started acting up, prompting me to begin all of these cleanses.

Still kind of wondering why my urine smells like cat pee...I know that parasite pee contains ammonia but if they are dying and leaving my body then this should be getting better? Wouldn't they only be producing ammonia/pee if they were still alive or does it release into my system when they die?


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