Re: Misconceptions about vitamin C...
There are several discussions about vitamin C and each time Jim Humble says about the same thing. He says that vitamin C is a preservative and preserves the sodium chlorite so that the ClO2 can't be released.
I too was shocked at this, but he seems to have forgotten how vitamin C works.
No. In book 2 Humble says vitamin C is added to juices as a preservative.
16. Vitamin C that is used in juices as a preservative will
completely prevent the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement from working. Do not use juices
See Chapter 20 page 6 for data on obtaining
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Overview of the Use of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and Main Points Chapter 15 Page 4
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
from off the shelf unless you are sure no vitamin C has been
added. Some pure apple juices do not have added vitamin C.
The natural vitamin C in juices is not a problem.
17. Orange juice will prevent MMS from working. It prevents the
chlorine dioxide from being generated.
18. Apple juice, cranberry juice, grape juice, and pineapple juice
are okay to add to the MMS drink after the three minute wait if
the juices have not had vitamin C added. The best idea is to use
fresh juices that you know do not have vitamin C added. Most
other juices prevent the MMS action that is necessary. Very few
manufacturers do not use vitamin C as a preservative. Read the
label very carefully. If vitamin C has been added do not use the