Smart move in my opinion. There is sufficient proof out there now that synthetic chemical chelating agents are to be avoided, except in cases of acute poisoning. DMSA, DMPS, EDTA, etc., all do more harm than good, otherwise. Surely some will want to argue with me, but I can't burn the time pulling the studies showing this and they will have to either argue with themselves, or else dismiss my opinion as nonsense. I care not either way. DMPS and ALA combination is especially hazardous. Remember, the water-soluble ones only bind metals that are in aqueous sytems and are not lipid-soluble and that most of the metallic toksons are stored in fat and neural tissue, making those synthetic chelants only active in removing stuff the body really needs to be present for normal operation from the bloodstream and other aqueous fluid. Chelation with synthetic, non-naturally occuring compounds destroys mental giftedness. The mercury-EDTA complex has been shown to be worse than even mercury itself. Luckily for those who ingest it orally, such as people who take pills of it or drink commercially-prepared beverages which include edta, very little makes it into the bloodstream.