Yes, anal sex carries the same risk regardless of whether the receptive partner is male or female. However, most of the HIV transmission worldwide still occurred as a result of VAGINAL transmission.
"That makes sense since rectal trauma would allow passage of infectious fecal matter into traumatized healthy tissue"
No, that does not make sense at all! Think about the mechanics of anal sex: a penis enters another person's anus. Anal sex does not involve the insertion of foreign fecal matter into the anus. The only person's whose fecal matter is in your rectum following anal sex is YOURS. If there is HIV in your fecal matter, you already have HIV and can't give it to yourself again. If you don't have HIV, there cannot be HIV in your fecal matter. Fecal matter has nothing to do with HIV transmission during receptive anal sex - the virus is present in the insertive partner's semen and directly infects macrophages.
Also, unless there is blood in them, feces are not known to transmit HIV.