No studies on UT and fibroids that Im aware of, a search only turned up this testimony!
Fibroid Tumor,- Mery Garcia, 55, was without apparent health problems. She began to drink urine out of curiosity, and after two weeks she had labor pains. She discharged an ugly-looking, egg-sized blood clot. She was not aware of any previous problem before the discharge. A week later she had a healing crisis in the form of a strong cold that lasted about three weeks. During this time she was discharging phlegm and mucus through the mouth and nose. I recommended that she eat raw garlic to accelerate the cleansing process. She wondered where all the phlegm was coming from, to which I replied that since she had been using Antibiotics for more than 10 years, that phlegm had accumulated in her body. It took four weeks to cleanse her body