I feel like I am circling the drain here. I am tired, low blood pressure, no libido (nobody around to worry about that;-) neropathy down my arms. I have been eating organic for years, switched from reverse osmosis to distilled water recently, good oils - been doing that for quite awhile, cleaned up my mouth. Been plagued with incredible anxiety for quite awhile, been anemic almost all my life, now white and red numbers are just below normal, I know that that means my liver is congested. I hate the drugs that I have been taking and the ones that I allowed them to give me, I hate the way that I feel. My sister was just diagnosed with a reoccurence (stage 4)- I know that she will go the pharma way, She thinks that I am way out in left field. I am angry and scared that I may have cancer again, too. I want my health back. I know that I am probably pushing things. I just don't know how much more of feeling like this I can really take. I have read many of your previous posts - I know that you understand. I want my body back!!!!