I'm pretty underweight and I want to gain at least 10lbs. I look skinny overall, but my face and forearms look the thinnest. My torso doesn't look bad because of my abdominals.
I mainly follow a whole and organic diet (absolutely no gmo/pesticides/fake foods/chemicals/etc). Not strictly vegetarian/vegan or raw. Animal protein is generally limited to one portion a day. Gluten intake is minimal (sprouted only). I have been consuming a lot of coconut/palm/olive oil lately and I think that is helping a little bit.
I'd like to have a plan for gaining weight that maintains a good omega ratio and doesn't throw my hormones out of whack, exacerbate my Acne prone skin (almost non-existent due to diet) or produce any detrimental effects.
What foods & healthy fats should I consume and how much? What foods should I limit or stay away from? Are there any safe herbs or other alternative solutions to encourage weight gain?