Re: 63 days with Mirena...will it ever get better?
I did not research mirena before I got it inserted. I never even associated my side effects with mirena until I had it for three years. It only gets worse with time. My advice is to google images of mirena. It is a plastic t shaped object in your uterus. I have had 3 children and I was shocked at how small my uterus really is and how mirena fits in there. Doctors get kickbacks for every mirena they insert and the longer you keep it they get more. My side effects mentally got to the point I was always anxious, a raving B****, I hated myself so badly I wouldn't even look in a mirror. I had schizophrenic episodes, ADD, bi polar, and I was suicidal on a daily basis. Thank God I lived for my kids. My physical side effects were: lower back pain, constant contractions, numbness/tingling on my left side, joint pain, insomnia, anxiety, heart fluttered, night sweats, no periods most months, pokey pain on my right side, slow reflexes, all my senses were overly sensitive, blood sugars were crazy, fatigue, constipation, allergies, oh the migraines were horrible! My skin had a yellow tint, couldn't lose weight no sex drive I despised sex, , gained weight in spurts for example 20 lbs in 6 weeks, and the list goes on and on. I am still recovering from side effects 5 1/2 months post removal. Luckily there are very few left. I know different bodies react differently but if someone tells you a fire is hot do you go up and touch it? I don't mean that rudely, but after the pure hell I went through I would not wish mirena on my worst enemy!!! I regret the day I ever heard of mirena. At least you are aware what mirena could possibly cause in you. This forum literally saved my life.