Hi alienendia,my worst time is when kids are at school and hubby at work, it leaves me to my own devices, which is bad, I'm trying to busy myself today as was suggested to see if I can get through it, day 1 today, I'll weigh in every 3 day's fasting and post results,I lost a lot of my weight by only having 1 meal a day, and juice for the other 2, it's just not working now, probably because i'm smaller now and my metabolism is slower, I think the worst thing I did was pack the scales away [we were moving] and I didn't keep check and fix things if I went up a couple of kilos, so it just crept way up to 15 kilos over, so once I fix this, I'll go back to that method. But I'd love to buddy with you, and hopefully we can inspire each other!!