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It would be so much easier cleaning the kids up now
jessesmom1987 Views: 1,306
Published: 17 y
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It would be so much easier cleaning the kids up now

I know what you mean Glaxony. Going through what we have, we know how much it could head off for their future health problems --if the parents were just willing to be open to understanding how exposed we all are to them, and that kids could be more easily cleaned up. From what I understand, there are parasites that children pick up in the womb from the if young mother's were aware of parasites and worked on getting themselves cleaned up prior to having children, and stayed on top of it with the whole family--what a difference it would be for all families in their health issues.

I'm afraid my own 20 something year old kids will have to hit their own health crises before they would be willing to listen to mom though, even knowing how much my health had been compromised by the load I didn't know I had. Now that I've got a better understanding...I wouldn't want my kids to start unless they were willing to be dedicated and disciplined enough to get through the not so fun times--it's not easy once you get into it, and it's not something to dabble at. How many 20 something year old kids would be willing to do colon cleansing and have that "inconvenience" just in itself--but it's an important part of killing parasites too.


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