One more thing, zapping grandkids, or even kids EDIT
I wanted to mention this because of what we've gone through with the grandkids and the adults not wanting to hear about
parasites (the other grandmother told the mother to come and get these grandkids away from me, that I was a fruitcake for mentioning that the granddaughter had coughed up parasites)
I asked Parazapper about zapping the grandkids before this whole thing blew up like it did--and he said the concern would not be for actually zapping them, that it would be safe to zap them..but what he said a person needed to be aware of, and concerned about- was exactly what we got into--people going ballistic over it. He said there have been parents that have been turned in and had their kids taken away from them for this very thing--as well as people thinking pets were being "abused" because of hearing they were being zapped.
So..when it blew up as it did--we were really holding our breath that the grandkids wouldn't also say something about the zapping. It was some months before the granddaughter with the asthma that coughed up the "carrot sticks and white threads- and Grandma, I haven't been eating carrots!"--ever came back around. I know she was told to stay away from me--they live next door. She would pop in long enough to grab a popsicle out of the fridge, but leave immediately.
Even with parents--are both parents on board when it comes to deworming the kids? What about grandparents that might think the whole thing is fruity? We've all seen other people's reactions that we may have mentioned
parasites to..alot of people freak out and think it's absurd...because "if it's such a problem, why don't Dr's say so?" So, just as a warning if kids are involved-- the Adults can be pretty stupid about the whole thing. There is plenty of information about
parasites and humans online now---IF they wanted to find out. They don't want to alot of kids that could have health problems headed off at an early age--won't because the parents freak out at the whole idea of parasites.
BTW- Parazapper can only say that his zappers are used for the purpose of water purification.(FDA)
As a former zapper seller, I sold many thousands of zappers. Many used these on their childern and pets as well. I have not heard of any health problems from this but I have heard of 2 cases that I would like to warn you about.
1 case, a person used a zapper on their child under the age of 10 yrs old. Their doctor found out and they were threatened with having their child taken away by authorities.
2nd case. A couple use a zapper on their dog and the animal control authorities took the dog away, calling it cruelty. The people never got their dog back. The zapper used was not a ParaZapper.