FINALLY! Trysten3000's before and after pics!
Hello everyone. Long ago I said I was going to post some before and after pics from me starting down the road to getting well from my skin condition/health problems, etc.
Just a reminder of the horror of before(makes me sad to post these but I love you all so its okay):
And today:
^I'm wearing translucent mineral powder and mascara and lip gloss in that pic but thats it. Skin isn't perfect yet but I can't believe how much its improved!
I'm doing very well on the 100mgs of
Iodine a day, I've been at that level over a month now. It's very true that detox seems to come in waves, it seemed I was past it for awhile there but then I had a random few days of feeling blah and broke out in a little rash on my chest (gone now). I definitely think I'm detoxing flouride! Gosh! SuCH good news! I'm considering bumping my dosage up to 150 mgs a day for awhile but Im not sure if I can afford it so I might just stay where I'm at.
Iodine has totally saved my health, I'm doing very well. Emotionally my life has never been better or more well sorted. I'm buzzing with positive energy all the time, I'm nearly done with the first draft of my book, I feel sexy and loved by everyone around me, I've attracted SO many new wonderful people into my life recently, including one very amazing man who seems to be the complete and total male version of me and has major boyfriend potential! I know I'm attracting all these wonderful things because
Iodine has helped me change my life and my soul is vibrating at a very positive set point now, bringing light all around me! I know things will continue this way.
I want to thank all of you guys for being so wonderful and truly being there for me in some of the darkest and most painful times in my life. I love you.
Iodine didn't make my zits go away.. being gluten free did.
Iodine is just a part of my healing as a whole!