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Re: More info about fasting for weight loss
Raine13 Views: 1,627
Published: 17 y
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Re: More info about fasting for weight loss

Speaking from personal experience, I went from very high blood pressure to normal within 7 days.

Due to some insane doctors 20 years ago that had me on a cocktail of medications as a result of injuries in a car wreck, I've not been to a doctor in all that time nor taken any more prescriiption meds. I did have a change in lifestyle from being in an occupation that had me going non-stop on the road in the music industry to a sedentary position with a dot com company. My eating didn't change but I just started ballooning in weight, my face would become flushed, etc. When my blood pressure was taken it was borderline stroke - and yes we took it on more than one day.

I started doing research on the web and decided to do a juice fast. After a few times at 3-5 days, I got into the groove. I was reading people saying they had such amazing experiences with a 30 day juice fast that I decided to go for that. An amazing experience it was! 7 days into it I was lying down and realized that my heart was beating slower. I took my pulse and was amazed to find it was 60 whereas a week earlier it had been over a 100 -- in a resting state!

Needless to say I was a convert. Now I'm on to a Water Fast - shooting for 10 days and I'm on day 2.


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