Charlie's behavior is simply unsupportable
It is beyond me how a caring person like you can support some one who has called HIV sufferers "fudgepackers", said that tap water was fine for a natural health product, argued against minerals or organic produce, basically rejected any herb, advice product or treatment that did not include his liver tonic (and made the rediculous claim that ANY other tonics could be dangerous), banned and rediculed anyone who disagreed with him, changed members posts to alter their wording and meaning, published private information about members true names, addresses and phone numbers, bashed and name called, . . . the list just goes on and on.
Doc Sutter can get a bit fiesty at times - so can I, though I have my DQ identity to take the heat. But you would never see either of us pile a steady dose of such abuse on other members - and in the end that became a tonic that was too bitter for CureZone to continue to put up with.
Keep up the good work, Doc Sutter. You are one who enhances CureZone.