Re: "Your making alot of assumptions"
Jessesmom, I believe this post has cleared up a lot of things that can confuse a lot people, especially the novice. Jessesmom and I are 2 people who have been very sick with congested liver, colon problems (myself) and perhaps parasites in different organs of the body.
There is a lot of confusion concerning how long one must stay on the dewormer and how many liver flushes a person has to do before they are stone free. Stone free, I agree, also means bug free. No more symptoms of being sick.
It is true that, timewise, as well as in conjunction with how many different dewormers we have had to use is correct in what Jessesmom says we have to do in getting these parasites out of our system. It has NOT been an easy task for either one of us.
Both of us have been concerned for Plz, who has always tried and been successful at helping the newbie and others.
We do acknowledge her efforts and want to thank her for them. We hope she is being good to herself in acknowledging that the bugs ARE difficult to eradicate and it WILL take a lot more of the bug killers including different bug killers, staying on them constantly, doing the regular liver flushes, and constant monitoring of symptoms in order to get healthy again.
I have posted many times that I am NOT on a maintenance program of the Barefoot dewormer yet. I have been on the stuff for 10 months on a regular daily dosage of it and am still seeing the bugs. Most of them are gone. The problem is, they appear to be gone and then re-appear with another liver flush. I thought I had gotten rid of all the buskii flukes, but I have seen more of the baby ones off and on, and I have started another colon cleanse all over again. I stil see some of the liver flukes that come out all the time with taking the EVOO at night to keep the liver open. I keep the common bile duct open most of the time, anyway, because of the number of liver flushes I have had to do. I am still passing junk.
I, myself didn't realize how dirty the inside of my body was. I quit doing the colon cleanse much too soon. The bugs like to hide in the junk on the colon walls.
Another thing, my liver was in such bad shape that I concentrated on that and only did the colon cleanse that I goes with this program for 3 months. That was the LBB, mostly. I had done colon cleanses with the Schulze's products many times before I came to CZ and this forum. Haphazarldy. Dr. Schulze says that the directions for his colon cleanse have to be followed EXACTLY, OR it will not work. Apparently all my efforts were NOT enough. I am now getting more of the junk from the colon walls off, even tho my digestion seems to be normal in that I never get diarrhea anymore like I had for 20 years before I started this program. I am still killing off the ocasonal ascaris. I am still seeing liver fluke skins after 52 liver flushes, mostly the Coke flushes. I am not sure I have gotten rid of all the dwarf tapeworms.
I am not sure of all the kinds of parasites I had in my body in the beginning to kill off. I know I have dumped a good 7 quarts of the macroscopic ones.
I also have contracted MRSA in the last 2 weeks from who knows where. I recommend people look into the book on "Allicin" written by Peter Josling. Find out what other parasites the allicin kills. This stull is REAL expensive, tho. I have not gone to an ND and been tested like Jessesmom has. I am expereincing a lot of the detox reaction from taking the Allimed that I have been on now for about a week. This could also be from killing other parasites in my body other than the MRSA. My body is in the blood and lymph dumping stage of the program here. This product that is a very high concentration of stabilized allicin is also a strong bug killer like the Barefoot's and the Humaworm.
I don't want to seem discouraging to the novice. Am trying to say that there are those who come on here thinking that they can stay on the dewormer for just a little while or do just a few of the liver flushes and all will be well. It may not be so. It just might be that this whole process of getting rid of the parasites is going to take a whole lot of perseverence, dedication and TIME to accomplish. An awareness, if you will, that the job might not be all done. It depends on how sick and toxic a person is when they start all this. We do live in a dirty world.
I am feeling a whole lot better and going on with my life, but the AWARENESS that I still have parasties to get rid of is something that I am going to have to maintain. AND the deworming and the colon cleansing is something I am going to have to do along with the liver flushes until I see no more parasites and don't ecperience any more symptoms.
Of course!!-- stay away from the poisons, like Doc says.
All this is not so hard to do. My advice is just don't stay in denial when you continue to see more parasites. Or even if you don't see more parasites for a while. The eggs might have been hiding and more will hatch. The reason I have stayed on the Barefoot dewormer all this time. I have done other antiparasitics, too, like the Zymex 2, neem oil, and others.
I sometimes go back to doing the zapping for the parasites, too.
My suggestion is to keep up with the program unti you have won the battle. Live in that sense of awareness that the job is not complete, and do what you have to do to get on top of the situation.
Life does get a whole lot better a little ways into this program. (months ago, for me)
A WHOLE LOT better!!
Thanks, Doc, and everyone for all the support.