Knows, as you know, I first flushed stone free in March, 2007. From then until May of this year, I only had one flush that produced very dark gray-green stones ... I had felt them moving down in Nov last year, in Dec there they were. In Jan this year, I flushed out my MAMA liver fluke, longer and bigger around than my thumb. Nothing at all since then, no twinges or anything in the liver area! I'd gone on milk thistle for healing my liver in June last year, as advised by Docta Dennis.
As much work as I've done on this liver, it should have been showing at least gradual improvement. Progress seemed to stagnate.
I fought Charlie like a dawg when he came to cz, but I was silently looking at what he was saying.
Dr Christopher talked about LBB cleansing and healing the colon.
Charlie was referring to his liver tonic in the same way.
I emailed with and talked to Charlie on the phone. He was very open with me about his tonics ... how he studied physiology as a hobby and fell into herbal studies. Everything the man said made perfect sense to me.
I am finishing my first bottle of liver tonic and have already sent the check for the next round. My health has come back in leaps and bounds over the last month.
I took 1, I guess it was a 4oz bottle of his anti-infection tonic since we knew I had had fungal candida in my bowels. That is an amazing combo of herbs for anybody with systemic candida ... I don't know what it would do for fungal candida; I'd already taken care of that problem thru MH.
My new experience with the chiro fixed the place where my liver had pushed my spine out of place ... that only took 3 adjustments, btw, for your stating that vegeterians don't stay adjusted. After that passed, siatica reared it's ugly head, but I wasn't suprised, I've taken some nasty falls!
Charlie explained the effect that the ileocecal valve between the small and large intestines has on the siatic nerve. He sent me a baggie with some aloe ferox capsules in it. 3 chiro adjustments and 4 of those capsules and siatica is gone. I feel like I've got the posture and alignment from my youth!
I'd sincerely suggest that you give his tonics a look see at least from the perspective of mop-up for the liver, it's making a BIG difference in my world.
And yesSIREE, I'm still telling people to flush their livers!
G, colon cleansing was/is a BIG part of my lifestyle. SInce Oct of 2006, this is the only time I've gone off it for more than a one week period. I use Dr Christopher's theory of resting herbs. July was to be my rest MONTH for my supplements any way, so I opted to use this time to test Charlie's tonics. I'd be able to actually see what was happening from just it.
Just like one sees layers in liver flushing, I've seen a layered effect from the tonics ... chiropractics work in the same manner, as you alleviate one thing, something else can "show" that needs work.
LBB has shown me that it is feeding and rebuilding my bowel tract so that it is self-cleaning. Charlie simply told me that his tonics feed the liver so that it is self-cleaning. If LBB can work like that on perstaltic, why is it not possible that the proper tonic would do that for the liver? Charlie, through a research lab, identified 4 liver problems and formulated tonics that worked for each. His theory that proper bile flow is anti-parasitic came from years of hobbist study of physiology. I think that parasites are more prevelent today than ever before on earth ... we have so many chemicals that are solvents that get into our bodies that cause #1. liver congestion, #2. the eggs of parasites to hatch!
DO NO HARM is my method of controlling as many of those solvent chemicals as I can. Avoiding the chemicals in diet and in my home and body care products I consider a MUST.
I talked to Charlie about the things that started happening last June and things the chiro was finding:
My right kidney is the bad one. My left kidney was out of it's socket. Chiro would put it back and it would slip out some again and again. Charlie said you have "abdominal prolapse" and made a suggestion for a tea to drink until he could get me a tonic here. Guess what? My kidney now stays in place, my posture has changed, I can tell that my innards are LIFTING back into place. Just the tonic? NO MA'AM, a combo of the tonic AND the chiro restructuring.
He and I discussed my on and off heavy leg feeling and the fact that when I go for walks, my hands get heavy feeling and tingle. He named that "veinous congestion," the reason for poor circulation. He also said that it is most likely a big part of the swelling that scared me 1/2 to death last summer. My blood isn't moving out of my extremities well enough to get the stagnent water out. Why in summer and not in winter? I guess that's cuz I drink more in summer, contributing to the problem? A tonic will arrive here from Charlie next week to work on this .... a blood tonic. It's time for me to start working on the blood cleansing part!
Sick as hell/dying to health isn't an easy path, but it's one that I'm ON and staying on!
Anybody that doesn't think I'm getting healthy is more than welcome to come to my house and follow in my footsteps!
Yesterday, I vacuumed, did laundry, ironed, cleaned the kitchen, picked up all over the house, changed my bed, cut a 12' limb out of my camelia "BUSH" and hauled it to the curb, did research for NCC and posted several articles, did some persoanl health study ... that was BEFORE I got to work at 12:30pm. It's now 10pm before I'm home and able to go to the chatroom where I stayed until 11:30 ... and I'm also putting in overtime at work.
I voice my health concerns here because I don't want people thinking that health ain't easy after you've truly wrecked it. Even with the concerns that I've had over the last year, the quality of my life is like being in a different body than I had at the end of 2005! Given the opportunity to start again from where I was in 2005, I'd do the same things, I'd just do it faster! I started from a place of nobody to help me...
You know, JM, I can't help but wonder why none of this ever came up in personal emails that have gone back and forth between us ... if it had perhaps you would have known FACTS rather than what you assumed:
I'd reckon I've taken more dewormer than you have. 1T maintenance stopped when I met "knows" ... I haven't researched to see when that was, but it was when he was frequenting the liver flush forum. I didn't know "Doc Sutter" at that time or even who he was! He told me to try MORE of the dewormer. It felt right, I did it and I began getting bettter and better. That's when I followed his suit with "flush, kill the bugs ... flush, kill the bugs ... flush kill the bugs."
I passed my dark gray stones and my mama liver fluke on dewormer and gentle flushing. I've opted NOT to do full fledged flushing because I have had NONE of those stones-moving-down twinges and pains. If they were there, they would move down.
SOMETHING wasn't right, evidenced by my BMs changing. I DID consider Doc's flush, but my body just wouldn't allow it. I'd been fighting Charlie like a dawg; I decided to investigate what he was talking about. We talked on the phone for hours. He was using sound reasoning. He explained to me that the milk thistle was the wrong herb for my particular problem and why and that I needed to stop it immediately, that it was working on my liver but not in a positive manner. JM, if you go back and read, I had negative reactions to milk thistle everytime I started it.
I NEVER told you or pioneer to STOP parasite cleansing. My concern was the constant multiple cleansing you were doing. I DID and DO think that could cause other imbalances in the body, even while it IS killng bugs.
I've taken nothing to date for parasites but the dewormer. In the spring of this year, March I think it was, I found myself with the urge to take 5T a day. After about a week, I started passing tapeworm segments and about 3 days later, a long segment with head attached. Try convincing me dewormer won't kill tapeworms. *shurg*
Is bile our bodies natural anti-parasitic? How are you and I going to disprove Charlie's theory that it is? Encouraging bile production by feeding the liver what it needs COULD clean the liver in most circumstances, it COULD kill the bugs. I have NO way of knowing. I've already done alot of liver work with different things for decognesting and bug killing.
16 flushes......
Have you read Spirit's articles on liver flushing? Maybe you'd beg to differ with his theory that a body goes stone free in 15 flushes. Why don't you go take your begging to differ up with him?
I didn't just liver flush:
I ate right (had to be something to it ... one week of it and my digestion restarted, as evidenced by the feces in my toilet. Hadn't seen in of that in FOUR MONTHS).
I took liquid lecithin from my early days ... to this day it's what is used in European hospitals for gallbladder/liver congestion! Maybe you know more about lecithin's effect on liver congestion that they do?
I took a tonic to feed my liver daily from my early days.
I've done MANY days of juice fasting.
I've gone from pain that was so constant that I only hurt when I breathed, that's pretty dang constant, vertigo so bad that if I turned over in the bed in my sleep, the dizziness woke me up and there I laid swimming in my bed in the dark to pain free, good energy, feeling better than I have in my adult life. Which part of that is it that you don't consider regaining health???
Cigarettes? In my life since I was NINE YEARS OLD - seriously, constantly. When I wasn't digesting food, I lived off ciggies and coffee. Repeatedly over the last 2 1/2 yrs, I've reported here and elsewhere ... 3 - 3 1/2 packs a day and 5-7 pots of coffee a day. Today, I still work on my addictions. Yesterday, I smoked a pack and a half, I drank 1 1/2 of cups of coffee. I've come a long way! I've got a long way to go! I've even tried specific cigarette detox programs. My very bones ache with it. I'm made out of chemicals from the damnable things to the cellular level!!!!!!! Critize me for trying to get them out of my life? How dare you?
JM, "one shame on you ... twice shame on me." This is the SECOND time that you've opted to personally blast me in a public way and both times without a word on a personal level. Like I said, you and I have exchanged emails. I wish you every healthy moment in your life, but on a personal level, you have ceased to exist. I rarely make the same mistake 3 times in life! Stick a fork in me, I'm done ... with you.
Boem, as for me:
I liver flushed.
I take Charlie's tonic.
I'd do it the same way again ... God forbid that I get so stupid that I wind up in that shape again!!!!!!!
You're exactly right!
Herbs are foods, phytochemicals. Each organ needs different phytochemical for function.
I believe that with alot of research, Charlie has identified the phytochemicals that address the liver.
I flushed my liver, now I'm feeding it.
"Good building blocks of nutrition" plzchuckle's been screaming that and "herbally supplementing dis-eased body parts" since her very early days here at cz.
I don't even understand anybody's suprize that I tried the tonics.....
Candiman, my dear, I have never asked Charlie how many folks he's worked on with actual liver disease. I know that Doc couldn't count his. I'd say he's not presuming anything.
I have told Charlie that I think if I'd tried his way when I was SO sick, I'd be dead. I didn't have any room in my liver for bile production!! My liver was so big that it felt like I had a basketball stuffed inside my ribcage. I flushed and flushed, then I met this guy "knows" in the liver flush support forum, he said "chuckles, try taking that dewormer everyday." I did and THAT is when I began seeing DRAMATIC improvement in my heatlh.
You'd have to pass 2 quarts of liver flukes in one flush to ever understand what Doc and I know to be facts ... or trust us an awful lot!!
Healing my liver? flush, kill the bugs ... flush, kill the bugs ... flush, kill the bugs ... take Charlie's tonics (and I've taken more than one of them, and have reordered! and have added another!!)
Yeah, I've wondered how it would work on one of us with the VERY sick liver.
I'm using it as a mop-up. My 2nd bottle is on it's way. Flushing decognested my liver, but more than a year after going stone free, my liver still isn't completely healed. I do a fairly good job with food, I'm more than 70% raw, most days. I took milk thistle for a year, it didn't finish the healing. I've made more progress in the last 6 weeks than I did in 16 months since my first stone free flush.