I had my iud placed in three weeks ago and have not stop bleeding and there is nothing light about it for the first week i cramped bad and then after going out with my friend for her birthday I came home and passed blood clots then the blood got light for two days I stop bleeding for one day and hurried to have sex with my husband the next morning it was back I go for my one month check up on the 7th of Aug I'm going to tell her to remove it and something else i found strang is some people said their doctor put theirs in when they was not on their periods but my doctor insisted I had to wait for my next period to insert are some doctors putting in wrong or it really don't matter when you get.
one last thing I've been extremely tired I have been battling with mood swings because I don't want to scare my eight year old or my husband, last night I had pain that rain up my right leg,hip, and back didn't get sleep at all