Re: "County Sheriff Can Bust Big Bro", by Dave Robinson
"Perhaps it may be helpful for many of us to make a copy of this and send it to out local sheriff's department"
Turiya, this is what I intend to do. I think your idea is a wonderful idea for other people to do too.
Everybody lives in a county. Everybody might not be cognizant of the facts involved with living in a county, or a country, but whether they do it wittingly or not, starting down at the very bottom foundation of the jurisdiction pyramid everybody lives within the jurisdiction of a county first and foremost, and every county has a Sheriff in addition to a courthouse. Send a copy of this story to the Sheriff's office where you live. Take a copy to the courthouse and attach to the message board that every courthouse has for posting public notices.... and for those who really want to take a trip on the wild side, make a few more copies and then just sort of casually "oops", let them accidentally fall out of your hands... leave them lying around in public places where people going to and from courts are known to gather, like, down the street from courthouses at coffee shops, diners, barber shops, and the like. These are known to be places where common people often gather to discuss how they are having frauds perpetrated on them by the USG by way of the USG's system of courts..... novel idea, eh.... to leave a copy of this story where people are regularly found being screwed over by fraudulent application of, Sheriff's laws?
The county courthouse makes a great case in point for your comments on IRS. There are many, various and assorted common agents employed within courthouses whom agents within the IRS enlist in their act of perpetrating and promoting and propagating various frauds that are routinely perpetrated upon the common people. Without these many helpers, the IRS' job of continuing to propagate this gigantic fraud upon the people at large would not be possible. It is difficult to go into the official explanation of it all. The official explanation is known as Title 26 of USCode. Title 26 is generally provided in a book that is of a size on par with the public telephone directory of New York City. Got that? Any person who'd generally like to know what the formalized income taxation laws are is effectively required to commit to memory the public phone directory for New York City. Short of explaining all of that, here is a summarized example. The IRS and the many agents acting under the authority of the IRS routinely enlist the services of many and various other people and agencies of people salted throughout society in order to conduct and perpetrate income taxation frauds upon the people. For instance, there are official people operating within county courthouses, and these official people are routinely - daily, 24-7-365 - enlisted into assisting the IRS in perpetrating frauds upon common people. At a minimum, the person known as the official keeper of public records is routinely enlisted by the IRS to help the IRS perpetrate frauds upon the people. Additionally, the IRS also enlists the assistance of other organizations, such as people working at neighborhood banks where common people keep their money, as well as people employed within the payroll departments of corporations that common people have contracted with to work in exchange for pay. In other words, by the letter of the law, it truly does take a village to efficiently perpetrate massive income taxation fraud upon the common person. It's not just the IRS although this is the fountain head. Anytime your bank, against your wishes, gives your money to the IRS without without the authority of a lawfully acquired court order, the bank is now complicit in this fraud. This particular bank fraud is generally known as the crime of "conversion". If people working in the payroll department of your employer also help the bank to illegally convert your money "funds", they too are complicit in the perpetration of this fraud. Likewise with people operating in the county courthouse who contribute to this fraud, likewise with people operating under the authority of county Sheriffs.
Maybe it's just me (and you too, Turiya), but is it not a wonderful idea to provide some of these people with a copy of this story just to sort of.... you know, remind them what genuine law in action is supposed to look like?