Re: My head is still spinning trying to figure this out
Thank you JAB--my head is REALLY spinning after spending the afternoon reading through other Rife forums--I think I'd better not look any further than these two I'm considering :( The guy at Rifelabs told me the EMEM3 like you have is the strongest machine they have, and I had considered getting it, but I need the higher frequencies- (EMX..or F165)
It's like most other things that it all sounds foreign to you..once you get it and start using it, then it's not so hard after all.
One other question...So, in reading these other forums...IS the energy imbalancing something to be aware of? I was reading where people thought they were having the Hex reaction, when it was really energy imbalancing. (?)
Here's an example, and I have no idea what type of machine he's talking about, but this does happen?
Regarding the 8CE EM+ and Power:
I've been using this system for over a year now and at all power levels but never experienced anything to compare the last 24 hours.
Last evening I decided to run a frequency set for Clymadia pheunomiae(available from Char Bohem at DNA Pathogen Frequencies)
I set up the "8" to incorporate the use of 2, double bubble tubes and one grounding tube ( for the feet). I intutively chose the 4th power setting (150) from a possible 9.
To my astonishment, this lower power setting I seldom use was very uncomfortable to hold on to.
I surmised that the energy from tubes was being absorbed into my system by "something" like a sponge soaking up water.(hopefully Clymadia) Strictly a guess.
There is no way I could have held onto those tubes at the next power level up, which is where I normall start a run.
I went to bed that evening with my equaliberum "off"
I awoke this morning with the same condition with the added phenomon of being slightly being very mildly drunk.
After a few hours the conditions persisted...I called Bruce.
He suggested a set of frequencies to assist energy stabilization which I ran and after a nap got up feeling 95%.
Moral of the story: in your quest for more power, be carefull how you apply it. I certainly will be.