Those Doctor's just love to tell you it's anything but the Mirena. I really don't understand why they can't accept the fact this IUD is causing some problems. I had mine 2 years and just got out today at 3:30pm. I feel so good now. I had so many things going on over the 2 years, and I did have dizzyness too. Don't be like me and wait until you gain 20+ pounds before you have removed. They were trying to tell me it was my thyroid causing all these problems too, until I went for blood work and everything came back normal!! I have been having a weird pain in my left side, low back and hip for awhile now and as soon as she took that out today, it all disappeared! All I say is that IUD is so new, they really don't know the side effects, that is what I was just told today by a nurse, and they said they can only go by "research studies" Do yourself a favor and get rid of it now, and find another birth control.