Re: Doing multiple "cures", using lots of energy when fasting.
I would totally agree with point 10 in Purintons reasoning.
Fasting is a physiological rest, which requires the maximum amount of physical rest to secure the best and optimum results: a physiological rest is essentially a bodily rest to allow all of the available energy to channel into the work of healing and cleansing..........
Forced measures do not secure anything except disappointment and possible harm, even fatally...........
Dr Shelton.
"...............forcing measures----enemas, sweatings, excessive water-drinking, exercise, hydrotherapy, etc...........Hereward Carrington said that those who exercise most will terminate their fast soonest. I would say that they will be forced to terminate their fast soonest, and often prematurely, because of the more rapid exhaustion of their reserves..................
"All of these forcing measures are not only unnecessary and futile, but they constitute a heavy drain upon the energies and substances of the fasting organism. All forms of stimulation are enervating and the more they are used the more enervation they produce. The activities of the organs of elimination are in keeping with the amount of functional energy with which they are supplied and all efforts to keep them "constantly active" in spite of a lack of energy, only renders them less able to act. For, everything that we appear to gain in the increased activity occasioned by the forcing measures, we lose in the inevitable reaction. Every new source of enervation becomes an actual check to elimination. Our efforts should all be directed to the end of conserving the energies and reserves of the patient in every possible way, and not to dissipating them as rapidly as possible. Rest, quiet, poise, warmth-----these are far more important than any method of treatment ever devised......................"