Re: Day 23 on Water Fast
hello Sacristia,
i'm afraid cancer nearly always returns when treated in the conventional way. It is considered a "success" by mainstream if someone survives for more than 5 years after diagnosis!!
You may wish to invite a question on the Tony Isaacs/Luella May forum: Tony is more or less a cancer expert on anti-cancer protocols and has seen much success with the treatments he endorses and which are also backed by
Science and testimonials.
Natural Hygiene and Fasting can be used to restore health, but cancer is best targeted at source with appropriate NH lifestyle & NH diet changes thereafter to act as a prophylactic.
I know most of you may realize that I cured my own cancer of Leukemia thru fasting and NH, but I am not sure that most people would go to what they would perceive as such radical measures, to effect a cure.
I suggest you visit Tony here, and ask your questions, he will be more than happy to help person B's Mother............if you feel the need to do so.