Hi. For somereason I didn't get notification of your post.... Anyway I started to do more research into commensals and came across a person by the name of Dr. Paul Yanick, Jr..... I spoke to him a few times and home to get to his up coming seminar in Las Vegas... This is his main research of commensals & bile production.
A website of his his http://www.quantafoods.com
and I have completed his nutritional protocol which has to be done through a licensed Dr. that has gone through his training. My friend has gone through his protocol with cancer and it reduce his cancer in about 12 weeks. he also has a retail side which is less intense as far as nutrients go but all based on fermentation of foods and no fermentation of synthetic vitamins.
If you read through some of his papers you read about ion poison causing inflamation in the body and the key point is the Vega nerver. I am asked him abou Lugols and that what he basically said in a nut shell... Its better to get your Iodine bound to a protein like in food