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Re: Have you ever gotten to the point where you just can't do it anymore?
angelofeventide Views: 2,745
Published: 17 y
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Re: Have you ever gotten to the point where you just can't do it anymore?

Seth, thanks for your reply. The thing is, I am an old timer here. Believe me, I have tried it all, i.e. liver flushes, colonics, recolonizing the gut, anti-fungals, long candida diets, caprylic acid, pao d'arco, food eliminations and rotations, you name it I have tried it. I have talked to countless people on here until we are all blue in our faces. I'm so very happy that you have had help, as I never want anyone to have to endure what I have. Right now I am finishing up Dr. Jeff's protocol, which as everything else I have tried, didn't help and I was as faithful on this protocol as I was on all the others I tried.

My symptoms are numerous and far too many to list here. I suffer from about 20 plus different symptoms - everything from Bacterial Vaginosis and yeast infections non-stop to horrible all over, all the time throughout my body, weight I cannot lose, hair falling out, walking like a 90 year old woman, constant ringing in my ears, digestion problems, etc., etc. Tomorrow I'm going to contact an acupuncturist in town that I have heard rave reviews about from several different people. She supposedly really knows her stuff and supposedly has phenomenal results in just a few sessions. At this point, I am desperate enough to try nearly anything, short of selling my soul to the devil. My body, mind, and spirit are weary and I just don't know how much more I can be pushed before I break. I can't even remember the last time I wore a dress (have been embarrassed to, as I have a lot of edema in my ankles that causes them to swell and it's not a pretty site), let alone wore high heels. I live in tennis shoes, even got married in dressed up tennies, because heels hurt my feet so much. I haven't felt attractive for a long time, but I'm blessed to have a husband who thinks I'm the hottest woman on the planet. He is a real saint and doesn't see my flaws, imperfections or illness - he just sees me as I used to be. Before I was sick, I used to get told I looked like Christie Brinkley. I even used to model and act. Now I just feel like a blob that has been ravaged by an illness that has not been kind with time. I've never been a vain person, but it would be nice to feel that way again. Sorry. I know I'm being a downer. I'll stop now. Going to go watch some Comedy Central.



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