Your anger is understandable and there is no doubt that you are a very passionate person who feels as if they have really gotten a raw deal! It is hard for anyone to experience illness and isolation... especially someone as young as yourself... and it is quite natural for you to want to do something to re-establish balance and to have a sense of justice about something that seems incredibly unfair.
Does it suck? A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y!!! You are struggling and suffering and want others to be held accountable for what they did that harmed you. Unfortunately... in your situation... what the doctors and nurses did would most likely be considered appropriate treatment as Antibiotics are routinely administered for infections in the allopathic health care system... and from their perspective they were doing something to help you.
So... what can you do about it? Well... as you already suggested... you could cause someone else to feel the pain that you are going through. And in that moment of fvcking somebody up... you'd probably feel a bit of relief and a little bit better because you'd have a sense that the score is more even. But the problem is that feeling is not going to last very long... it isn't going to do anything to heal your illness... and the consequences of bringing harm to somebody else are only going to create more pain for the both of you.
There is another option. Why not take that passion and energy and use it in a way that will help raise awareness about what you are experiencing so that it might help someone else. While you're correct... most of the people on Health Forums and message boards are older and may not share much in common with you... unfortunately there are also a growing number of young people that are experiencing the same sort of thing as you. By sharing your story in some way... be it writing an article... or a book... or doing something more creative... such as writing fiction... or poetry... or songs.............. or any way that you ENJOY expressing yourself... you are not only drawing more attention to these issues... you are also taking a very powerful step in your own healing process. This is a way of giving meaning and honor to all that you are going through... and it may also be a way for you to make some money. Who knows? You could begin to do something on a very small scale... and it could grow into something very substantial... perhaps even develop into a very pleasurable and successful career!
And I realize that this artist is not of your generation... although this is a very powerful song that speaks of the sentiment of what I am saying in my post...
Hang in there! The day will come when you will be very grateful for that cut in your hand... and you will see all the things that are now happening to you in an entirely different light!!!