Re: 2001 Bill banning chemtrails
--->"1) air sampling revealing aluminum, barium and other chemicals"
--->"2) water sampling revealing same chemicals"
Where can I get an official copy of these samplings? Besides; aluminum, barium, and a multitude of these elements exist naturally in the environment (some more concentrated in certain regions), so how is that evidence of anything conspiratorial? Even if true and at amounts indicating some malevolent intent, I've yet to see any with proof the aircraft trail is the cause of it.
--->"3) chemtrails persist--VOR ignores the vapor pressure that would cause tinly water crystals to vaporize and disappear"
Normal contrails persist. It's simply a matter of relative humidity levels in the layer of sky the aircraft flies through and whether the meteorological condition at the time remains stagnant or changes. Absolutely nobody would be able to prove chemtrail from contrail by ground observation alone. Contrails have persisted since the early days of aviation. Have a look a this document published in 1970:
Where were the chemtrail theorists back then?
--->"4) satellite images of unusual patterns of chemtrails--not explainable by normal air traffic routes"
Do you have a link so I can see these unusual patterns you are referring to? Most normal patterns can become "unusual" looking and irregularly shaped just by the perspective of the viewer and meteorological influences. And perspective is not always a reliable portrayer of reality. Optical illusions are prevalent in the sky whether looking up, down, or sideways from extreme distances.
--->"5) association of chemtrails with major weather events
I am sure there has been plenty of air travel that has preceded major weather events, given that planes fly every day and weather is changing every hour, particularly in warmer seasons. It is a certainty that these events would have occurred often enough that they may have appeared to be interrelated, but what seems to be and what is are often very different things. I have not seen any credible evidence there is a corollary. If you have evidence, please share it.
See? I'm not ignoring it.