Re: 2001 Bill banning chemtrails
---->"The fact remains that Kucinich introduced the ORIGINAL bill in March 2001 with the words "chemtrails", and "tectonic weaponry".
The fact remains the original language for the bill was drafted by Alfred Webre and Carol Rosin. When Kuchinich was made aware of the language in the bill it was re-written and when questioned about it, he stated bluntly: "I'm not into that. Understand me. When I found out that was in there, I said, look, I'm not interested in going there."
Additionally, Rosin (the original author) stated : "Perhaps I can help correct some fuzzy information that is being spread about H.R.3616, the Space Preservation Act of 2002, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich. This bill will only ban space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit. It is NOT a bill to ban chemtrails and/or psychotronics or mind control devises or any specific weapons listed in the category of definitions in the original bill."
Perhaps "NOT A BILL TO BAN CHEMTRAILS" was missed by you?
---->"Sending me to a "contrail science"-fiction/disinformation website "
Please articulate to me where it is disinformation, and I'd be happy to discuss those particulars further.
---->"Yes, VOR, I use herbal supplements for her condition"
Not sure what inference you are trying to make here. I think its great you use them for medicinal benefit. I use them too.