Re: Gas and cops, by MH
Haven't noticed any change in Canada, but it makes sense that the police would do more blitzs, with gas prices up. They have quotas to fill each, and I'm guessing they want to fill those quotas as fast as possible with the least gas. That means that people will probably also be pulled over for marginal speeding, insteading of them just going after the "big fish".
I only know three policemen, but all of them liked being traffic cops. It's not a hard job handing out tickets and driving around all day. It's a lot better than being a crime scene investigator, investigating domestic dispute problems, or skuba diving through rivers looking for dead bodies. Still, even that is better than lots of job imo.
I'm glad they didn't hike up gas here in Canada beyond the normal rate, but what could we do if they did? Fact is, we're hooked, we're addicted to gas and they know it. They can basically charge whatever they want, because we're buying regardless.