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Re: Is there proof that MMS is safe?
jonsher_uk Views: 2,863
Published: 17 y
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Re: Is there proof that MMS is safe?

Actually chlorite can apparantly be used to regenerate bone marrow in the form of TCDO
Sodium chlorite seems to suppress its function but we are not ingesting a lot of chlorite with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement are we. ClO2 may breakdown to some chlorite but this amount would be tiny if any at all as ClO2 would be used up before it could breakdown to chlorite
Someone correct me if I am wrong
Other long term effects? Well tell me what you're concerned about and I'll see if I can find answers. I dont think there are any that are serious or lasting
I think we know about the blood cells. They have protection up to a certain extent
and are rapidly replaced also oxidation of haemoglobin can be reversed.
Chlorine dioxide doesnt seem have a serious effect on them at the amounts absorbed


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