Re: Pregnant with bad heartburn
Greetings -
This statement (previously posted) is incorrect. >>> Keep in mind that most heartburn is actually caused from TOO LITTLE stomach acid and not too much. <<< The actual CAUSE of heartburn/acid reflux is that acid from the stomach is moving upward into the esophagus where it can be felt, instead of staying in the stomach or going downward.
This is common during pregnancy, and tends to worsen as the baby grows.
One can have normal, too much or too little stomach acid and still have acid reflux. Low stomach acid tends to make it worse by slowing the process of digestion, which causes the food to remain in the stomach longer than necessary, and can cause the acid to move upward where it can be felt in the esophagus...but low stomach acid doesn't necessarily result in reflux/acid indigestion.
All the suggestions you've been given may give some short term relief...but I didn't see any that will address the mostly likely root cause and actually cause a true cure.
In the post/link below, I've explained more fully; there are two links to fantastic information regarding intestinal/colon cleansing and health (and how important it is to overall health). You might want to pass it along to your sister (and everybody you know! lol).
Blessings -