the word is discernment. charlie has lied and is unjust in the way he treats others. he has no moral or ethical compass so he must hide behind the law and think as long as its not prosecutable it is right.
i could go on and on about him as a person. i realize that people are a whole package. which is also why the herbs come up. i could do what he is doing. i could do what barefoot does. i think anybody can. its no different than learning to cook. i get my herbs in bulk at the health food store and mix and cap them myself. i have my own dewormer i made from my own black walnut trees and other ingredients and it is powerful, i tell you. and when i do buy herbs other than at the store where i can see them, i use barefoot because i know what i am getting from him. i also know how well it works, especially his LBB and kidney tonic. its just herbs. it is food. there is no magic potion about it.
so, in review, he is an unscrupulous businessman selling stuff for outrageous prices. he sounds like a typical american to me. he probably would be fun to have a beer with.