"There has been much hub bub about my use of the term "Herbal Physician", etc. And this has been vehemently hashed over by the Curezone Hierarchy depicting me as the satan from hell. (These individuals imagine they're doing a sacred service to the public whereas they're just stroking their egos. "I just protected the public from the herbologist from hell! me, Me, Mee, MEEEEEE!")
I digress."
you do more than digress. youre a liar and your ethics suck. BFD about your legal position. we are getting bent over an oil barrel legally. we have sacrificed thousands of our best young men and slaughtered untold more people for financial and political gain of a few, all legally. legal doesnt mean right. illegal doesnt mean wrong. only a craven coward hides behind the law.
shove it where the sun dont shine, charlie. i hope you make millions and become governor of arizona. that will be your only reward. enjoy it while you can.