*Gilda... the information you are providing regarding suicide is not only inaccurate it is also highly irresponsible! At no point in my post did I suggest lying to the authorities when faced with a potential suicide attempt! The information that I provided comes from both research and professional experience... and the suggestions were made in order to also provide general information to those that are encountering such a situation so that they can understand the seriousness involved when someone is considering suicide and optimize the chance of getting assistance... and maintaining EVERYONE'S safety! Attempted and successful suicides pose a significant danger to anyone in the vicinity of that one particular individual... and whether or not a person SHOULD feel guilty about a suicide is irrelevant because the fact is that they DO! Furthermore... your sweeping judgements of people as either angels or demons is not only harmful to those that you are so quickly dismissing... it is also detrimental to the growth of the people that you are supporting! You are reinforcing a a false duality that is simply non-existent... and which is directly feeding into the prevalence of so much hatred and such little compassion as we are witnessing today!
I would suggest that you do your homework before further posting about such sensitive and important issues!!!