Thank You Very Much!
I am researching health problems right now in my life because the medical profession couldnt help me, after 4 years of specialists I could no longer lift my head up off the I have to heal my self with the help of people who wish to help.
I am not a diabetic, but I watched my cousin with type 1, now I know what the differances are, thanks to you.
But I came across a product called "a bomb" designed for weight lifters, and it super hydrates the tissues, and purges toxic amonias for release, but it totaly screamed help, for my cousin and all diabetics. I watch him drink fluids and drink fluids and he is just so thirsty, no matter how much he drinks. he is a bean pole with a fat belly some times, but it doesnt last.
So I just thought I would run this idea by someone who knows, he is pretty sick, getting ready to lose his feet.
I just know there has got to be something we can try, for everything. The human body has absolutely miraculas capabilities for healing itself, we just have to figure out how to help it.
I can see where the hydrating the tissues would be helpful for sure, but what about toxic amonias, do you know if this is a problem with diabetics?
I know for me riddled with parasites, amonia was the key to tipping me off I had a parasitic problem, I could smell amonia everywhere.
Thank you for your time, I sincerely wish to understand this diabetic needs, other than obviously insulin.