iodine?? he's just trying to make a buck. No doubt he saw how many hits the iodine forum was getting, tried to cash in.
I was hoping that he would focus on creating a good herbal brew that would compliment iodine therapy, something to assist with the detox, kidney & liver support, or perhaps a high-mineral brew. If he was smart about it that's what he would have done. I'd buy it, I'd be all over it. That's the criticism I see most often about iodine therapy, is that we're supplementing huge amounts of one element and we can't be sure that we are balancing our intake of other vitamins & minerals. OR, of course, that all the stuff we take is "un-natural".
Because, said it before and I'll say it again. I hear VERY good things about his herbs, even from people that don't "like" him, as a persona.