TO: ShannonU
Don’t get discouraged, I know what you mean! I am taking 1-Tbs. Of each in the morning, and another at night. Like you, I was really 'stop-up in the begining. I was getting an enema in the morning, and another at night to relieve the pressure. I have been on the bentonite/psyllium for two weeks now, and it is getting easier. I guess, when I first started, I had SO MUCH build-up, that it was expanding, before it came out. But, I still need an enema to make me feel better.
Last night I swear, when I was laying on the bed, holding the water, (just plain warm water) I massaged my entire colon area, (I really massage it firmly) I could hear the water under my rib-cage, (transverse) on the right side(ascending) as well as on the left (descending). So I may be getting the water ALL around my colon. LORD I hope so!!!!
SO my suggestion would be***keep trying. I will take awhile. Ptree told me it is O.K. to get an enema every day if it is necessary. But I use plain water only while doing this. You may want to decrease the amount of mixture you are using.
I really feel I am on my way to a CLEAN colon.
Hope this was helpfull!!