Should I be uping the sea salt dosages or stay steady? PLEASE ADVISE.
I started vitamin C and the
Sea Salt Regimen.
Please tell me much about this.
I am feeling movements more so than normal.
In stomach, down back, head.
I am placing the salt in empty caps. 3 morn,noon,and evening.
I understand some have to take more if weigh more.
150 the first is fine to do.
why are the things 2nd day not coming out in stool yet? And I am having small bm
not alot. Eating lite soup yesterday with tea drink all day.
today ate apple w some pean butter, ate watermelon, and teas.
maybe tonite will have some lite soup and raw vegitables.
How long on this program before one can find
parasites leaving body?
What good results has anyone have doing this program?
Someone said it stops itch in head area? True?
Should I be doing sme
Sea Salt enemas on this too?
This is all new to me. I hope that it helps me.
I read that some of you have tried this in the past and would appreciate your
feedback to me during my trials here.