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Re: MMS and Autoimmune disease

Clarkia Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanse

jonsher_uk Views: 10,365
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,194,829

Re: MMS and Autoimmune disease

Yes this is the same solution(WF-10) and I have just been looking at this and while the patent explains that chlorite solution on its own acts as an immune modulator the research site mentions that WF-10 also now contains tetrachlorodecaoxygen complex(TCDO) which is also an immune modulator. Possibly they wanted a product which was not going to be easily available as Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is. So basically they have combined two effective treatments into one to make it unique.
However I think the trial shown on the patent was with chlorite solution only but it says this

'A preferred embodiment of the treatment of this invention entails administration to a mammal in need thereof, an aqueous solution of a product that has been termed"tetrachlorodecaoxygen anion complex,"commonly abbreviated as"TCDO."This substance can be prepared using the procedures described in Example 1 of U. S. Patent No. 4, 507, 285 ("the'285 patent"), and is a water clear liquid, miscible with alcools, and has a melting point of-3°C. The Raman spectrum shows bands of 403, 802 (chlorite) and 1562 cm-1 (activated oxygen'

So WF-10 with the TCDO added therefore is not exactly the same as mms although it still says chlorite solution has immune modulation effects on its own .
Presumably they are using chlorite, TCDO as well as the drug capecitabine for the cancer trials
which they believe will have maximum effect unless the drug companies will only allow it along with the drug treatment which seems a possibility.

So we arent getting a trial of chlorite alone and in future it looks as though they may combine it with other immune modulators and drugs unfortunately
which may be down to the drug companies influence. Its all rather confusing
I think this is still important information though


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