Re: MMS and Autoimmune disease
My father-in-law is not taking anything else at this time to deal with the candida. To clear up my earlier point about his 15 drop dose now, I didn't mention that he will occasionally take a week "off", then start up again. My mother-in-law started with him in August, and is now on a maintenance dose of 6-8 drops a few times a week. Dad has become pretty good at "listening to his body", and backing off when he needs to. He hasn't switched over to just a maintenance level yet, because he feels that there are still improvements happening, and there are still issues the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is addressing in his system.
As for Sjogren imrovements: he now longer needs to wash down anything he eats with water, he no longer needs to use artificial tears 6 times a day to keep his eyes lubricated, he is sleeping much better, he can drink beer again (and enjoy it as a true German:), and he has much better overall zip again (still plays rigorous tennis 3-4 times a week at 72!)
My mother-in-law found that she can now eat many of the foods she was "allergic" to (wheat products, nuts, lots of foods she loved). She used to get terrible stomach aches and cramps caused by these foods, but can now enjoy them again without any pain, thanks to
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . She had been muscle tested for these foods, originally, and interestingly enough, it was their homeopath who tested her who later found out and told them about
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
They have told many of their senior friends about it, and they have been using MMS for various ailments (aches and pains, nothing too serious or life-threatening), some with marked improvements. It has definitely been an incredible tool for our family.