MMS and Autoimmune disease
I put this on the debate forum but I feel I should put it here too because I think it is important. In fact I don't know why I didn't just put it here
There seems to be every reason for people with auto immune diseases to
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement as there is evidence it can overcome immune disfunction thus not
only correcting immune response so the body is no longer damaged by inflammation but also boosting repair to the damaged structures by stimulating phagocytosis.
Possible diseases helped are Lupus , Arthritis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Multiple Sclerosis and others and in fact all diseases will benefit from such a response
What is more this could be achieved at a relatively low dose with no need for adverse symptoms. Even unactivated chlorite will have this effect
though activated may have superior effects.(pre-activated)
Some people may have not read this document so I summed up the main point above but it is well worth a read
This also could explain why
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement works on burns removing inflammation and stimulating repair.