Re: allergies and eczema (very sad)
Hey bella! I am sorry to hear about your symptoms coming back. If you recall, I mentioned that I used to get really bad eczema. I had it when I was a very young child , like before the age of 10. Then, when I was about 18 I randomly started getting it again. I had no idea what it was at first. It would come in waves. It lasted for about a year. At one time I had I guess what is called impetigo that covered my lips in a freakish crusty yellow weird deal. I had eczema so bad on my back, legs, arms and face. Showering was like torture... life in general was with eczema that bad. The creams helped a lot but I would never resort to them again. It's been about 2 years since then and I haven't even seen a trace of eczema. No creams or anything. I'm being dead serious it just went completely away and I've had no problems with it. All the while I didn't cut a single thing out of my diet. I ate glutenous grains... dairy... meat.. eggs.. and it just went away. Not that I advocate eating like that at all, I don't eat that stuff anymore. I am just trying to say that I don't think there is a definite diet you can go on that will solve all your problems. I've lived in the same house, been exposed to the same junk and I have no idea what helped my eczema. I only tell you this to give you hope! Not to try and tell you that nothing will help you! My impression of you from your posts leads me to believe that if anyone can heal their eczema, then certainly you can.
I have also become a big believer in the role one's attitude, demeanor, or beliefs play in their health. Look at any scientific study and I'm sure you will consistently find that the people who have the best health surely have more social support, happiness, stress free lives. I just read in a textbook that these are also traits that are common in people who live longer, including a lack of neurotic thoughts. IMO.. what could be more neurotic than constantly being on these forums and worrying about food and disease. I feel that forums like these are not beneficial to a lot of people... not that they can't help a lot of people! But for many people I'm sure it is not beneficial or healthy to be too obsessive about health.
Earlier this year I spent a weekend looking up all this junk on the internet about my problems and drugs I took and all this crap... I was freaking myself out and just relentless in my pursuit of finding out more about my issues. I ended up giving myself a near panic attack. And the next morning I woke up with a giant cold sore on my lip. I haven't had a cold sore in a long time... I ended up just laughing because it proves to me what stress can bring out of you.
This is certainly not to say that it is all in your head and there is nothing wrong with you. I despise that attitude. However, I do feel that it is our beliefs and attitudes that hinder us from healing or cleansing whatever is going on with us. And that is a big difference between a lot of healthy people and sick people. The majority of people on a lot of these forums focus on their diseases! That is what makes us sick in the first place IMO. Focus on health! It's not easy. If your leg is broken I'm not trying to tell you it doesn't hurt. But don't focus on it and try as hard as you can to focus on other positive things in your life. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Don't want disease? Don't focus on it!
I'm not saying you don't have a positive mindset or you are just causing all your problems. I just believe the key to health isn't any particular diet. I believe that diet and fasting can be very beneficial and give your body the best chance for healing. I just really feel the key is above all, having the most positive mindset possible, being as free from stress and anxiety as possible, having a healthy social life and that support is also incredibly helpful. By no means am I trying to say that is an easy goal. But I believe it is the ultimate goal if a person wants to overcome disease... Look at all the people who were miraculously healed without any change in their diet. Something I also keep in mind, is that they've studied all the centenarians and found few generalizable similarities in their diet. Plenty of them drank alcohol, ate meat and chocolate. But they found lots of personality traits common in them.
So that's just what I think lol. I wish you nothing but the best health and I write this only with the intention of helping you! I am not free of all my problems but I really feel like the answer is in a mainly raw diet and fasting. But I also feel one can never be healed even if they have the perfect diet or fast under the best supervision if they maintain their mental baggage. I'm working on it, reading books, trying to reverse any negative emotions. I just really feel that is what is going to help people as much as any diet or fast, and if we ignore our negative emotions, we might as well be eating the SAD.
Again I'm not saying you don't already know this or you aren't trying to be as positive as possible! I'm sure you are working on it! But obviously fasting wont cure everyone of everything. Plenty of people do long fasts and still have problems. So my conclusion is that one should spend an equal, if not a greater amount of energy working to better their life and emotions. I just say this to give you that perspective on health.
I also felt the need to talk about this because all too often I find people advising fasting no matter what... and then talk about diet... and little talk about dealing with negative emotion. Who was it that said "to the man with the hammer, every problem looks like a nail"? Just because some of you were helped by fasting, doesn't mean it is the definitive answer for everyone.
I do not mean to offend anyone. If I could conclude this long, mess of a post lol I would say... Try to work at making your life as happy as possible, in conjunction with your diet and fasting. Don't ignore that! If fasting and diet don't cure you then perhaps focus less on your disease and more on health and positive things in life. I am sure that is the answer...
I went on a bit of a tangent lol but I just wanted to throw that out there...
I wish you all nothing but the best of health!