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Re: Re: How many zeros in a billion?
Ohfor07 Views: 2,328
Published: 17 y
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Re: Re: How many zeros in a billion?

yeah, remaining within the parameters of the subject, what a novel concept, eh?

This is just my opinion based on years of observation, but as far as what typically goes in the US these days, reserving room for the occasional exceptions, to a large extent patriotism and parameters therein parted ways many moons ago. Just as telltale for instances....the calendar might say that it July 4 is still three weeks away. Meanwhile, locals increasingly can be observed getting antsy in a patriotic way as it were....anxious wannabe revelers with a burning desire, one might say. Saturday evening 5 days ago, the gaggle of common knuckleheads dwelling about 6 houses straight down my street to the south were conducting what can generously be called a a test firing. This labor of preparation was still ongoing two evenings ago when, just after sunset, an exploding projectile, perhaps "accidentally and quite by coincidence", had been launched in the general direction of my vehicle as it passed by said dwelling. The herd mentality is strong in this context. Somewhat predictably, by Sunday evening four days ago another household on the far opposite corner of the same block, joined in with this pre-event prepatory exercise. Heaven's knows, one does not want to arrive at that big happy day to find that their trunk full of $$ intended to burn, flare, sparkle, sizzle, pop, crackle or explode, are duds.... .and never mind that in the State of Penn's woods, possession of such wares is illegal to begin with. LOL! I guess it makes some sense that if one is going to be burning their hard-earned $$, literally, the DIY backyard way, the truly discerning, patriotic Independence Day reveling sap will have been risking injury to themselves and neighbors within a four block area for a good several weeks before hand. Of course, this same kind of activity will be ongoing throughout the balance of the summer months well past July. One can easily imagine the sound, looks and shape this scene takes on once the revelers at large have begun to add copious amounts of chilled suds and sappy song singing to this yearly ritual; display of patriotism. Generally, the collateral activities do not really begin to set in en mass, in earnest, until, roughly, 7 days prior to the big day. Trust me; as we speak this very moment, shelves on beer, wine and liquor stores all across this land are being emptied and ice chest are being readied in preparation for liquid patriotism at it's finest ... and good for the economy too ;) This then is a snapshot of a slice of parameters likely to be found in the USA when it comes to the subject of celebrating one's independence.

How many zeros in a billion? Around these parts, come summer, this question might make an excellent alternative road-side sobriety test.


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