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Re: Re: How many zeros in a billion?
Ohfor07 Views: 2,280
Published: 17 y
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Re: Re: How many zeros in a billion?

It is rare enough to agree with you twice in the same month let alone the same thread ;) but, agreed, again....keeping in mind that "should never" is an operative term. It is a matter of question how many people would manage to notice the distinction versus how many the distinction would be lost on.

At times I have asked people outright in simple terms - what is the basis for your merriment, getting all mushy over sappy tunes to the point of tears, shooting off fireworks, drowning in suds, draping in flag and such? The answers received have been varied. Some of them have been quite meaningful, well thought out and well measured. Some of them have been quite the opposite ... kinda hasty, as it were, and stands out as easy to remember; "the basis? hmmmm... well, the basis is that I really get a kick out of seeking merriment just for the sake of it.... because I can ..... it IS a free country, ya know....shooting off fireworks & drowning in suds & getting bleary-eyed over sappy tunes, draping in flag and such, for the sake of it....because I can and I want to" .....motives that are seemingly hollow like the aforementioned tomb.

Yes, for some people, for those who know how to recognize the diminishing aspect of it, freedom is precious. For others it is perceives as an unlimited resource like air or water. Like the refrain from that sappy old rock tune says "... ya don't know what you've got until it's gone..."

Coincidentally, here is a story that sort of ties several of these off topics together .... commodities .... suds.....possibly worth shedding tears over .... an example of what patriotism might look like in a given region, while simultaneously getting back on topic, to the tune of $46,000,000,000.00



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