My moons are coming back!
Made ya look! I'm talkin' fingernail moons, people!
A talented healer I know looked at my fingernails several months ago before I started this massive parasite/halogen/metal detox. I've had no moons on my last two fingernails for 5 years. 5 years ago is when my health plummeted. It's also when my nails started getting long, delicate ridges down them (apparently a sign of calcium/magnesium imbalance).
Looking at my last 2 fingers of each hand, she told me that disappearing moons are a tell-tail sign that your kidneys are full. I did a kidney tea for 10 days, got a lot of sludgy stuff out - but my moons didn't start to come back.
I've been on
Iodine therapy for about 5 weeks now. I just noticed my moons are coming back! This is so wonderful. Fluoride and Bromide are so hard on your kidneys. I'd assume they also inhibit calcium absorption. We know that Chronic Fatigue is a direct indicator of kidney sluggishness...I don't smoke or drink - so I've wondered why my kidneys were having such a hard time. Huh. 5 weeks of detoxing everything that
Iodine does (seems like the list grows everyday, really) - and my moons are coming back! I have more energy than I have in years - and for the first time in 5 years...I'm not fearful about the idea of pregnancy.
It's like the fog has lifted and I don't fear that I might never really get better. This is such an amazing experience!! Woohoo!